Deed Correction: What to Do When A Deed Contains Mistakes
Sometimes, not everything in life goes as planned. This is never more true than when it involves real estate and the law. At times, when drafting real estate documents, such as a deed, a mistake can happen despite the drafter’s best efforts. It is not uncommon for a...
How to Record Deeds and Real Estate Documents in Michigan
Perhaps you have experienced your own frustration with your county’s recording office before. You read through all the necessary requirements for recording a deed or other real estate instrument with your county recording office, only to have it rejected and returned...
Learn About Recording Real Estate Documents in Michigan
When it comes to your own personal property, or investment property, knowing where your county registrar’s office is, and how to effectively use their services is super important. Let’s break down the why’s. First, the country registrar is just that, a place...
How Does a Quit Claim Deed Work and How Can We Help?
I received this question from Susan L. of Walled Lake, MI. Back in 2005, Susan and her mother purchased a small home in Wolverine Lake. They lived in the home together until this year, when Susan purchased her own home. Recently, when Susan was going through some...