How to Record Deeds and Real Estate Documents in Michigan
Perhaps you have experienced your own frustration with your county’s recording office before. You read through all the necessary requirements for recording a deed or other real estate instrument with your county recording office, only to have it rejected and returned...
Learn About Recording Real Estate Documents in Michigan
When it comes to your own personal property, or investment property, knowing where your county registrar’s office is, and how to effectively use their services is super important. Let’s break down the why’s. First, the country registrar is just that, a place...
Top Reasons to Hire a Home Inspector Before You Buy
We’ve all been told that when purchasing a home, we should have a home inspection. It’s our opinion that it is not an option. Purchasing a home is generally the largest investment a person makes in their lifetime. Many home buyers lack the experience and...
Land Contract or Rent-to-Own: Which Is Right for You?
This question is from Greg in Livonia, who says, “I’m considering purchasing a home with my fiance. The seller is offering a rent-to-own program. Is there a difference between a rent-to-own program and a land contract? Now, we don’t qualify for a traditional...