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Contract Violations
What happens if a builder uses my deposit and loan money without doing the work as agreed?Speaker 1: (00:03) This question comes to us from one of your fans, David, who says, I have seen many of your videos. So they must be quite excited to ask their own question...

Why You Need an LLC and Operating Agreement in Real Estate
Single-Member LLCs and Operating Agreements A single-member limited liability company ("SMLLC") is a one-owner business. The SMLLC is like a sole proprietorship, but having an LLC has advantages over operating a business individually, without filing for a state...

Earnest Money Deposits: Everything You Need to Know
Why Require An Earnest Money Deposit An Earnest Money Deposit, also known as a good faith deposit, comes from the prospective home buyer and it shows the buyer's commitment to the seller that they are serious about purchasing a seller's home. Once the buyer provides...

Loan Workouts: A Solution for Missed Small Business Loan Payments
Your business is having financial issues, cash flow is tight, and you have defaulted on your business loan. What happens next and how do you work out of this situation? Having a brief understanding of commercial loan workouts is important for business borrowers to be...

Top 10 Reasons Why You Need Property Title Insurance
The Top 10 Reasons for Title Insurance Title insurance is important for new homeowners to have because, while the home may be new to you, the property will have an entire ownership history of its own that may be unknown to you. Conducting a thorough title search can...

Deed Correction: What to Do When A Deed Contains Mistakes
Sometimes, not everything in life goes as planned. This is never more true than when it involves real estate and the law. At times, when drafting real estate documents, such as a deed, a mistake can happen despite the drafter’s best efforts. It is not uncommon for a...

Property Flips in Detroit: Our Most Helpful Tips and Tricks
PROPERTY FLIPS IN MICHIGAN While house flipping is a great way to make a quick profit, this endeavor requires realistic expectations and well-laid-out plans for every step of the process in advance. All too often, wide-eyed first-time buyers entering the fix-and-flip...

How to Record Deeds and Real Estate Documents in Michigan
Perhaps you have experienced your own frustration with your county’s recording office before. You read through all the necessary requirements for recording a deed or other real estate instrument with your county recording office, only to have it rejected and returned...

Why Do You Need a Business Document Retention Policy?
Technology was supposed to be the answer to the mountains of paper that go along with managing a business. But the digital files can form mountains just as high, or worse--get lost in the bottomless crevasses of your hard drive. Whether it is paper piles or microchip...

How to Protect Your Home Project With a Construction Agreement
CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT If you’ve ever embarked on a home remodeling or construction project, you quickly realize that the endeavor is not for the weary. There are so many details to manage. Then there are the unforeseen circumstances that will come up, and trust us,...
Meet David Soble

Real Estate & Finance Attorney