5 Significant Indications You Are Approaching “The Last Minute”

by | Jan 16, 2020 | Business Law, Real Estate Law

How can a person recognize that they are approaching the proverbial “last minute” when facing a pressing legal or financial matter? The “last-minute” is the time in a crisis where the balance teeters against one’s favor, placing them beyond any help; help that can have a real impact on a desired outcome. It’s true that there are people who can “pull one off at the last minute” but this is only noteworthy because it is the exception rather than the rule. So why go through all of the anxiety? Here are five indicators that one is approaching “the last minute” and it is a good time to seek professional intervention.

When Key Decision-Makers Stop Responding to Your Inquiries

After you’ve taken your concerns to the highest level of the corporate “food chain” and the person in charge stops responding to you, even after you have exercised professional persistence. This is a good indication that they cannot or will not provide a solution to your problem. If there is no reasonable explanation for their lack of follow-up, then you are approaching “the last minute”. Seek out an independent advocate as soon as possible.

A Complicated Fact Pattern is “Growing Even More Hair,” and Creates New Problems

When one problem begets another problem that has far-reaching financial or legal implications, so that you soon are acting as a circus plate juggler, you are approaching “the last minute”. Contact a professional problem-solver if you are experiencing a crisis in the “circus arena” that you are not knowledgeable about, or comfortable with.

You Hide From Calls, Avoid Opening Mail, or “Slip Out” an Exit

You are approaching “the last minute.” If you were to do just one thing, despite how difficult it may be: open your mail. Written legal notices are meant for the recipient’s benefit, not the sender’s. They most often contain time-sensitive notices that have legally enforceable expiration dates. Failure to respond by a certain date will cause one to forfeit their legal rights. It’s like letting the genie out of the bottle. It’s very hard to undo. If you can’t bear to open the mail, go to someone you trust who will.

You’re “Robbing Peter to Pay Paul”

Address this slippery slope as soon as you recognize it. Contact a financial adviser to help you review your budget or direct you towards resources for financial relief. If you’ve dug yourself a large enough hole and feel financially paralyzed, then you are approaching “the last minute”. Escalate the problem to an experienced attorney who can help you sort through your financial crisis and negotiate with your creditors.

You are Losing Sleep

Maybe you are also feeling more apathetic, eating less, and/or withdrawing more. These are classic signs of depression. Depression is most often created by a crisis. You are approaching “the last minute” if you are experiencing any of these symptoms of depression. Your mental health directly impacts your ability to constructively resolve a pressing problem. Seek medical attention immediately. Your personal well-being is paramount to any problem that you are facing, so give yourself a break and hand your matter over to a specialist.


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